The Best Strategy for Personalizing Ecommerce Marketing Emails in 2024

Jack Hutchinson
December 12, 2023

Email is Your Best Performing Channel

It’s estimated that 333.2 Billion emails will be sent and received daily in 2023. And for good reason.

In fact, ecommerce email marketers can expect a 45x return from emails, on average. Making email the leading source of revenue for many brands.

But with so much noise crowding customer inboxes, how can brands stand out?

It’s time to send better emails.

Your Email Marketing Feels Impersonal

Look at your inbox. How many marketing emails have you received this week? Likely dozens.

All with generic offers, product images, and CTA’s. Maybe you’ve received some abandoned cart or browse abandonment campaigns. If you’re lucky, you may have even been segmented into a smaller list of shoppers that received a slightly more tailored experience.

But this isn’t true personalization at scale.

Imagine personalizing every send. Every customer receiving an email designed for them – their preferences, their behaviors, their relationship with your brand.

Now you can through signed-in shopping.

Unlock Personalization at Scale with Status and Klaviyo

When shoppers shop signed-in with Status, you know exactly who they are, the products they’ve viewed, clicked and added to cart, as well as their preferences.

Until now, shopping behavior, shopper preferences, and shopping history were only accessible in Status. Designed to help shoppers pick up where they left off during future sessions.

But our latest integration with Klaviyo, extends the power of signed-in shopping from the customer account, to the inbox – your number one source of revenue.

Through the integration, you can deliver true personalization at scale:

  1. Sending targeted messages with customer account segments
  2. Sending timely messages with customer account triggers
  3. Sending personalized messages with customer account properties
  4. Sending unique links with customer account flows

Enhancing the performance of your most valuable campaigns:

Abandonment Flows

If your abandoned cart flow generates the most revenue out of all your sends, you’re not alone. In fact, Klaviyo data says abandonment flows generate $3.53 per recipient, on average. The most of any flow.

These campaigns pack a punch because they’re timely, targeted, and hyper-personalized. Imagine driving similar results from lower intent behavior – browse abandonment.

Status’ Klaviyo integration makes sending timely, targeted, and hyper-personalized browse abandonment flows to signed-in shoppers possible.

Instead of taking shoppers back to generic collection pages or PDPs, Shopify Plus brands can now leverage Status Recently Viewed to personalize emails and guide shoppers back to products they’ve already seen. Helping them pick up where they left off and accelerating conversions.

Additionally, sign-in triggers ensure that shoppers receive your abandonment flow at exactly the right time.

Post-Purchase Flows

Post-purchase flows keep opted-in customers engaged long after they buy. They play a critical role in converting a one-time shopper into a loyal customer, and they’re the perfect opportunity for building relationships.

But your post-purchase flows likely lack personalization.

By integrating Status with Klaviyo, you can further segment shoppers based on a variety of data points and enrich email content with Status properties like size, favorite colors, fit, and more.

Go beyond demographics – show shoppers you really know them, their preferences, and the items they already love but haven’t bought yet.

Win-Back Flows

Your win back flow can be a powerful way to re-engage inactive customers. But often, these emails lack the personalization needed to reignite a customer relationship.

With the Status Klaviyo integration active, Shopify Plus brands can effortlessly build segments of dormant customers and use Status Recently Viewed or Favorites data to send hyper-personalized emails.

This ensures that inactive customers receive content that’s relevant to them, improving engagement and reigniting shopping activity.

Transactional Emails

This may be your most engaged with flow. Makes sense considering transactional email content is highly relevant to customers – order updates, shipping notifications, etc. Additionally, transactional emails don’t require opt-in, so everyone receives them.

And now, they’re a gold mine for capturing signed-in shoppers.

Through our Klaviyo integration, Shopify Plus brands can automatically convert transactional email clicks into signed-in shoppers.

Once signed-in, Status personalizes the on-site experience, helping shoppers shop, and capturing data that can be used across your flows.

Activate Status and Klaviyo

Status customers can supercharge personalization and get more from their email marketing efforts today by reaching out to Larren or

Not using Status and want to increase clicks, conversion rates, and revenue? Schedule a demo, or message sales to get started:

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